Since 1953 the Pledge of Allegiance has tried to be amended for the fact that the two words “under God” refers that our nation supports the God of the Christian Bible. Even though it is only two words many believe that it should be amended because it violates the First Amendment. They say that it would not be an issue if it wasn’t they were required to make a personal affirmation of God and because it requires affirming that there is, “one nation under God”, it should be taken out. Although there are some that believe it should go there are also many more who believe it should remain on the grounds that it is, too minimal, and most people don’t even pay any attention to it when they are saying it. Also because it isn’t a direct affirmation but more of a historical account of what our founding fathers believed. The most important issue though is that people are not forced to recite the Pledge of Allegiance.
Ever since our founding fathers created the Declaration of Independence and then later the Pledge of Allegiance society has acknowledged that our nation was formed under the notion that we have been “endowed by our creator with certain unalienable rights”, and that our nation was founded “under God”. Not until the last couple decades though has society called these principles into question and if they are even constitutional. In the case of Elk Grove School District v. Newdow, they argued that reciting the pledge of Allegiance was unconstitutional because it encroached upon the establishment clause referred to in the first amendment. I believe that the Pledge doesn’t encroach upon the First amendment but simply reinforce the beliefs that our country was founded on. The idea of amending the Pledge is ridiculous. It should stay so that we know how our country was created and who created it, which would happen to be God with the help of men with Christian beliefs and morals.
I believe the current actions taken by the Supreme Court are appropriate and that though there are many objections that are made upon it; the issue should be stricken down and not be brought up again. If people do not wish to say the Pledge then they have the right not to say it. They don’t however need to tamper with an age old belief held by our founding fathers based on good morals, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.